Partnership Visas

Issues with partnership visas

When applying for a partnership visa, you need to show that you have lived in a genuine and stable relationship under one roof for at least 12 months. Several problems might come up:

  • Have not lived together as a couple for 12-months and there have been periods of time living apart
  • Couple cannot provide partnership evidence from when they first started living together or to show they have lived together for at least 12-months prior to the application being lodged
  • Difficultly with collecting partnership evidence, especially if most letters and bills are under one partner’s name
  • New Zealand supporting partner has supported more than two partners, and they were each granted residence as a result
  • New Zealand supporting partner was a perpetrator of an incident of family violence
  • Non-declaration of relationship in New Zealand partner’s residence application
  • Applicant has a health issue that may need a medical waiver or has committed an offence that may require a character waiver
  • New Zealand partner withdraws their support because the relationship ends
  • Applicant and New Zealand partner have been living overseas together for a significant period of time, and
  • Immigration New Zealand has asked to conduct a partnership interview.

How Pacific Legal can support you

Pacific Legal offers a comprehensive suggested list of partnership evidence to assist couples with the information that can be provided and will review each document.

We will explore other options if your New Zealand partner is not eligible to support a residence application or if they withdraw their support. This could include a ministerial or an appeal with the Immigration and Protection Tribunal.

Our experienced team can support your application by making submissions to support a health or character waiver. We will brief the couple ahead of any partnership interviews and attend the interview with the couple to ensure its conducted in a fair and proper manner.  Following the consultation, your lawyer will request a copy of the interview notes and recording and assist in responding to any further concerns or questions.

Pacific Legal has supported several complex partnership visa cases. We will strive to get the best outcome for you!

Get in touch with us

Contact Pacific Legal today to receive professional support with your partnership visa applications. We will ensure you get the best outcome and will help you in any way we can. Contact our team to ask any questions about the process and find out how we can support you!